East End Investigative & Security Consultants
P.O. Box 11
Eastport, New York 11941
Phone: (631) 878-4673
Fax: (631) 878-9010
Certified Forensic Interviewers
are now on staff at EEISC. Our CFI's are experienced and dedicated investigators who are ready to handle your most sensitive and more challenging assignments.
CFI's are the top level of interviewers, utilized by law enforcement agencies, loss prevention departments, SIUs, law firms and large corporations when the truth needs to be uncovered.
Only our clients know when a CFI is being utilized in a case. We guarantee confidentiality.
Copyright EEISC 2008
Licensed - Bonded- Insured
East End Investigative & Security Consultants
P.O. Box 11
Eastport, New York 11941
Phone: (631) 878-4673
Fax: (631) 878-9010
E-mail: Info @ EEISC.COM